It will never go bust as long as the internet is up and running.
They don't need buildings.They would spin it that they had to go underground. It could be run out of someones basement, however, it would be given the appearance of still being a going concern.
The only contact with the Society would be by means of e-mail. No phone contact. [Much like now.]
Everyone advised to keep on meeting in their homes. Keep strong, maintain your faith. Praised for keeping the faith and carrying on in face of persecution.
Instructions would be given on how to send money to their accounts. [offshore] Patreon type account method where monthly sums regularly donated.
Many, if not all of the brass, still there, any where [home, vacationing, etc.] to live off the money as it is passed on to them. A very difficult thing for a 50, 60,70 year old to be sent out to pasture to support themselves. Frantically and creatively thinking how to still live off the sheeple.